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Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Stop missing out on the fun

Stickers, Mayorships, and more

Claim that crown

The mayorships you know and love are back! Compete with everyone on Swarm for the title of Mayor (and the bragging rights to go along with it) at the places you frequent the most.
Crown me

Your old badges,
evolved into a brand new game

Just like with badges, you check in where you go to unlock stickers. But we've taken it up a notch by letting you use (and show off) those hard-earned stickers. Add them to check-ins, photos, or messages.
Start unlocking them today

Stay tuned

We're just getting started! Download Swarm today to stay up to date with all the fun things to come.
Download today

[Traveloka] Welcome to Traveloka Newsletter!

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Get ready to receive our best deals for flights and hotels.


Senin, 29 Juni 2015

[Traveloka] Welcome to Traveloka Newsletter!

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You have successfully subscribed to Traveloka Newsletter. You will start receiving our special offers and other updates.

To ensure that our newsletters get to your inbox, please add newsletter@traveloka.com to your email contacts.

To get the premium services in booking, payment and refund online, become a Traveloka member here for FREE.

Get ready to receive our best deals for flights and hotels.


Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

[Traveloka] Selamat Bergabung di Newsletter Traveloka!

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customer service

Selamat Bergabung!

Anda telah sukses berlangganan Newsletter Traveloka. Anda akan mulai menerima Info Promo secara berkala.

Untuk memastikan newletter kami masuk ke inbox Anda, mohon masukkan newsletter@traveloka.com ke dalam kontak email Anda.

Untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dan prioritas dalam transaksi, booking dan refund online, daftar menjadi member Traveloka di sini GRATIS.

Bersiap untuk mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan diskon khusus untuk tiket pesawat dan hotel.


🎁Temukan Info Promo Ramadan di Sini!

Ingin Promo Spesial Ramadan?
Khusus di bulan suci ini, dapatkan diskon TOTAL Rp300.000 hotel dan tiket pesawat! Jadilah yang pertama tahu info promo terbaik Traveloka dengan berlangganan newsletter secara GRATIS di sini:
Klik untuk daftar
Dengan berlangganan Newsletter Traveloka, tiap minggunya kamu mendapat:
  1. Info promo terbaru dari berbagai maskapai dan hotel, diskon eksklusif hingga 70% sampai tiket pesawat gratis!
  2. Diskon khusus pelanggan Newsletter.
  3. Harga hotel & tiket pesawat termurah untuk kota-kota wisata terpopuler di Indonesia dan luar negeri.
Edisi Newsletter yang Lalu
Newsletter Promo Hotel (Selasa)
Newsletter Promo Tiket (Kamis)
Newsletter TGIF! (Jumat)
Tertarik dengan info promo mendatang yang lebih menarik lagi? Daftar Newsletter Traveloka di sini.

Bila suatu saat kamu memutuskan tidak lagi ingin berlangganan, kamu dapat berhenti kapan saja.


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Cukup tunjukkan voucher hotel di Traveloka App saat check-in.

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